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Sunday Service

  • Oasis Church 3819 18th Ave NW Rochester, Minnesota 507-289-8596 (map)

Service: Join us for our Sunday Service in person or online! This weeks message is Discipleship and Commitment based on Mark 10:1-16 by Pastor Peter Shea.

Coffee Fellowship: Stay after the service for Coffee Fellowship, an opportunity to enjoy treats and connection with others!

Adult Bible Study: THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF JUDGMENT, a  new adult Bible study class will begin on Sunday, September 10 after the morning service to explore what the Bible has to say about God and judgment including the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment.  Frank Evans will be the instructor, the study will meet in the sanctuary following the service.

Earlier Event: September 16
Super Market Saturday
Later Event: September 18
High School Girl's Group