Oasis Ministries

Oasis is proud to offer a variety of minsitries for adults, children, and those with special needs!

Sunday Morning Ministries

Coffee Fellowship - 11:00 AM

Stay after the service for coffee and sweet treats! We hope that you will use this extra time to connect with other members of our Oasis family!


Sermon Discussion - 11:00 AM

*Currentley on Pause* Stay after the service for a chance to dive deeper into the sermon. Sermond discussion does not meet on potluck Sundays.


Wednesdays @ Oasis

Wednesdays @ Oasis

Join us on Wednesday evenings for a pizza and salad dinner at 5:45 pm followed by youth group and adult discussion. God’s Garden meets before dinner and participants are welcome to join us after group!

God’s Garden Oasis - 5:00 PM

God’s Garden is designed to welcome people with special needs and support them in developing their relationship with the LORD.

Three Elements

  1. After service discussion time

  2. Wednesday evening Bible study

  3. Daily Devotionals

Oasis Youth Group - 6:15 PM

Join our Oasis youth group at 6:15 pm! Our elementary and middle/high school kids will seperate to focus on curriculum geared specifially towards them! Keep an eye out for fun youth group events hosted throughout the year!


Adult Discussion Group - 6:15 PM

Adults are welcome to join us at 6:15 pm for a variety of discussions. Some previous topics include the book of Colossians and Peter Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Relationships. Our new topic will be announced at the end of summer!

Other Ministries

Prayer for Oasis Family - Thursdays @ 12:30 pm

Join us in-person or online as we pray over our Oasis family and community. Click the webex link below to join virtually!


Oasis Family Game Night - Friday @ 6:30 PM

*On Pause* Join us on the first Friday of every month in our fellowship hall for game night. Feel free to bring your favorite game!


Men’s Breakfast - Saturday @ 8:30 AM

All men ages 1-100 are welcome to join us for a pancake breakfast on the first saturday of every month!


Monthly Potluck - Sunday @ 11:00 AM

Oasis hosts a potluck on the last Sunday of every month. Feel free to bring a dish to share and enjoy fellowship with our Oasis familY!