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Wednesday's @ Oasis

  • Oasis Church 3819 18th Ave NW Rochester, Minnesota 507-289-8596 (map)

God’s Garden Oasis 5-6 pm: God’s Garden is designed to be a place to meet people with special needs where they are at and then help them walk in their relationship with the Lord

Dinner 6-6:30 pm: Join us for a pizza and salad dinner in the fellowship hall

Emotionally Healthy Relationships 6:30-7:45 pm: We will be walking through Peter Scazzero’s book: “Spiritually Healthy Relationships “.  In this book study “everyone will learn eight practical relationship skills to develop mature, living relationships with others”. All are welcome to attend. This class follows the youth schedule and meets from 6:30-7:45 Wednesdays in the Sanctuary.

Youth Group 6:30-7:45 pm: Youth will be meeting at the Fredin’s house for smores, caramel apples, and a bonfire!

Earlier Event: October 23
High School Girl's Group
Later Event: October 29
Sunday Service